Najat el Hachmi
What: Conversation with Najat el Hachmi
When: Thursday March 10, 2022, 10-11am PST
Where: Live via Zoom
Join us for this virtual talk with Najat el Hachmi as part of our Anti-Racist Thought and Activism in History Speaker Series.
Najat el Hachmi is a Moroccan-Spanish feminist author and winner of the 2021 Nadal Prize for Spanish Literature. The Last Patriarch and The Serpent’s Tail, two of her most well-known novels, have been translated to English. Her works range in topics surrounding decolonization in North Africa to Islamophobia. Her Islamic feminist manifesto, “Siempre han hablado por nosotras (They have always spoken for us)”was published by Destino in 2019.
Hear el Hachmi read her feminist manifesto on Spotify. Read an interview with el Hachmi on her novel The Foreign Daughter. Watch el Hachmi discuss writing, borderlands, and identity, and read Miquel Pomar-Amer on the importance of el Hachmi’s autobiographical work.
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