On December 9, Sita Balani and Gargi Bhattacharyya offered a talk as part of the Anti-Racist Thought and Activism in History Speaker Series.

Gargi Bhattacharyya
Sita Balani is a scholar of queer post-colonial cultural studies and critical theory teaching at King’s College London. Balani is the author of Deadly and Slick: How Sex makes Race in Postcolonial Britain (Verso, 2023). Her work asks how colonialism has shaped contemporary Islamophobia and other forms of racism, and her writing poses important challenges about conviction, identity, and responsibility. Recent publications include What’s love got to do with it? Marriage and the security state and Anxious Asian men: ‘Coming out’ into neo-liberal masculinity. Follow Balani on Twitter.

Sita Balani
Gargi Bhattacharyya is a sociologist at University of East London that has been writing about race, migration, and austerity for over two decades. Author of Rethinking Racial Capitalism: Questions of reproduction and survival (Rowman & Littlefield, 2018) and Dangerous Brown Men: Exploiting Sex, Violence and Feminism in the Long War (Zed, 2008), Bhattacharyya examines economic vulnerability, poverty, and survival in the context of constructing race and empire. Follow Bhattacharyya on Twitter.
Balani and Bhattacharyya are two of the co-authors of Empire’s Endgame: Racism and the British State (Pluto, 2021).
View the recording of the talk in the link below.
Sita Balani and Gargi Bhattacharyya talk
(To access the talk, use passcode: 2kkd@7JB)
This speaker series is supported by the UBC Anti-Racism Initiatives Fund, Office of the Provost; CUNY Grad Center; Kingsborough Community College; King’s College London; Princeton University Advanced Studies Institute; Public Humanities Hub, UBC Okanagan; Historicities Cluster, UBC; UBC Graduate program in Power, Conflict and Ideas; International Solidarity Action and Research Network.